The researchers of RCAAM delivered in 2024 numerous popular science lectures to educational institutions and public events upon invitations. They also wrote popular science articles, contributing to the dissemination of the center's research results.
Notable activities by individual researchers include:
• P. Patsis:
Interview on the show "Open Pages", ACHELOOS TV (June 2).
Article in the newspaper "Naftemporiki" titled "The importance of transferring knowledge and techniques from one generation of researchers to the next" (September 17).
• I. Contopoulos:
Artificial General Intelligence", Christian Student Union, Athens, January 20.
"Faith and Science", General High School of Kapandriti "Kallistratos", February 13.
Presentation, discussion, and answers to questions related to Artificial Intelligence, Piraeus Lighthouse, Piraeus, March 3.
"The Storm of Artificial Intelligence—How It Will Affect Us and Our Children", Parents' School of the Holy Island of Tinos, Tinos, March 9.
"Images from Space", First Year of High School, Rizarios Ecclesiastical School, March 19.
"The End of Physics?" and discussion, Physics Club of the High School, Rizarios Ecclesiastical School, March 19.
"Artificial General Intelligence: Humanity’s New Challenge", Piraeus Lighthouse, Piraeus, April 2.
"The Storm of Artificial Intelligence", Holy Monastery of All Saints, Spetses, August 4.
"Is There a God in the Universe?", Christian Student Union, December 11.
"Man and His Place in the Universe", Sunday Meetings: A Study on the Ecology of the Person, Institute of Agricultural Sciences Hall, Syggrou Estate, December 15.
A series of four interviews on "The Limits of Science", on Pemptousia TV, conducted by journalist and astrophysicist Christos Dimopoulos.
• S. Vasilakos:
In 2023, S. Vasilakos gave over 20 interviews to print and electronic media (ERT, MEGA, OPEN, ALPHA, SKAI, Kathimerini, VIMA, etc.).
• M. Georgoulis:
Popular science presentation titled "The Present and Future of Heliophysics: Remote Sensing and In-Situ Measurements from Space", 12th Chios Astronomy Festival, August 2.
Brief intervention in a documentary under preparation on climate change, directed by Giannis Vamvakas, August.
Participation and a brief greeting at the symposium "Seamanship and Space", held on August 4 in Chios, honoring Academician Dr. Stamatis Krimizis with a screening of the film about his life and work titled "Stamatis Krimizis: Chasing Planets for 60 Years", directed by Giannis Vamvakas.
"The Challenge of Sending the First Greek Astronaut". Joint interview with Dr. Adrianos Golemis (ESA) by CNN.gr journalist Dimitris Mallas, August 11 (link).
Invited lectures on the Parker Solar Probe mission as follows:
- Hayden Planetarium, American Museum of Natural History, New York, October 7.
- Fiske Planetarium, University of Colorado at Boulder, November 15.
- Chilchinbeto Community School of the Navajo Tribe, Kayenta, Arizona, December 18 (online presentation).
• M. Harsoula:
Invited lecture titled "Exploring the Near and Far Universe", Third Year of the 3rd High School of Vyronas (November 22).
• M. Katsanikas:
Invited lecture titled "Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning", April 6. Teacher training, 6th High School and 5th Junior High School of Amarousion.
In 2019 RCAAM organized a series of 9 talks for the general public in the Eastern hall of the Academy of Athens, on the occasion of the completion of 100 years since establishment of the International Astronomical Union (IAU).
1. K. Tsiganos (UOA): “100 years of astronomical discoveris” (11/1).
2. P. Patsis: “The spirals of the galaxies” (27/2).
3. I. Contopoulos: “ The research of pulsars in contemporary Astrophysics” (27/3).
4. C. Gontikakis: “Solar eruptions” (17/4).
5. M. Harsoula: “Tides in the Universe” (29/5).
6. V. Tritakis: “The social and financial consequences of the space research: (26/6).
7. S. Krimizis (Academician): “The Space Age of Humanity: 50 Years after the landing on the Moon and 62 years of the robotic exploration of the Solar System (17/7).
8. C. Efthymiopoulos: “Modern achievments of the Celestial Mechanics: Solar system, black holes and galaxies (30/10).
9. S. Vasilakos: “Modern Cosmology: From the big bang to the dark energy” (27/11).
The International Year of Astronomy 2009 was a global effort initiated by the International Astronomical Union (IAU) and UNESCO to help the citizens of the world to rediscover their place in the Universe, and thereby engage a personal sense of wonder and discovery.
The Research Center for Astronomy and Applied Mathematics of the Academy of Athens participated in this effort by organizing a series of public lectures:
3 December 2008
Stamatios Krimigis
Exploring the Planets: Spacecrafts in the Space Ocean - from Mariners and Voyagers to Cassini and MESSENGER17 December 2008
Christos Efthymiopoulos
The CERN Experiment and its Contribution to Astronomy21 January 2008
Ioannis Contopoulos
The Music of the Stars4 February 2008
Constantinos Gontikakis
Sun: The Day Star18 February 2008
Vassilios Tritakis
The Sun of our Life4 March 2008
Panos A. Patsis
The World of Galaxies18 March 2009
John Hadjidemetriou
The Discovery of New Planetary Systems: Are We Alone in the Universe?8 April 2009
Elias Vagenas
Black Holes: from the Universe to the Laboratory29 Απριλίου 2009
Constantinos Kalapotharakos
Chaos Theory in Astronomy13 May 2009
Mirella Harsoula
Dance of the Galaxies27 May 2009
Spyros Basilakos
Modern Cosmology: Creation, Structure and Evolution of the Universe10 June 2009
Emmanuel Sarris
Space Environment of the Earth24 June 2009
Nick Sergis
Saturn-Enceladus-Titan: The World Revealed by the Cassini-Huygens Mission