Research Center for Astronomy


Tuesday 4 February 2025, 12:00


Damping Effect of Caputo Fractional Time Derivatives in Nonlinear Wave Equations

Tassos Bountis

CRANS - Center for Research and Applications of Nonlinear Systems University of Patras


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About us

The Research Center for Astronomy and Applied Mathematics (RCAAM), is one of the Research Institutes of the Academy of Athens.

Core competences of RCAAM are Galactic Dynamics and Galactic Morphology, Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos Theory, Solar Physics, Magnetohydrodynamics, Cosmology and Gravitation.

We are working towards comparing theoretical results with observational data from ground based as well as from space observatories (VLT, Solar Orbiter etc.). The main scientific goals for the period 2009-12 include the study of the role of Chaos in supporting structures in N-body simulations, the Dynamics of the Milky Way and other galaxies, the study of the magnetic connectivity in the active-regions of the solar atmosphere, the investigation of particle accelleration in the pulsar magnetosphere and the time profiles of the resulting high energy radiation, the formation and evolution of Structures in Cosmology as well as the nature of dark matter and dark energy.

A number of young researchers are coming to our Institute and successfully complete their PhD and Masters Theses. During 2010 three PhD and three MSc theses were supervised by RCAAM members and with research conducted in RCAAM have been successfully completed. Three more PhD theses are in progress. The teaching of the course "Nonlinear Dynamics" for Masters' students at the University of Athens is done by members of our Institute.

RCAAM organizes since 1997 on a weekly basis during the whole year a seminar with speakers leading scientists from Greece and abroad. The talks are attended by many researchers, university professors and young scientists. RCAAM has organized in 2007 an international conference on "Chaos in Astronomy" as a continuation of another conference organized in 2002. The success of this series of conferences is planned to be continued during the next years. Another conference organized with great success by our institute was the conference "Classical and Quantum Gravity", Crete 2009. RCAAM has also organized with great success a series of talks for the broad public in the Academy of Athens during 2009 in the frame of the International Year of Astronomy. Many other talks for the broad public are given every year.

Our annual reports can be found here:


Annual Report for 2022

Greek English


Annual Report for 2021

Greek English

Annual Report for 2020

Greek English

Annual Report for 2019

Greek English

Annual Report for 2018

Greek English

Annual Report for 2017

Greek English

Annual Report for 2016

Greek English
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