Research Center for Astronomy


15-20 September 2024

@ Academy of Athens



Tuesday 16 July 2024, 12:00


Buckling instability in galactic bars

Ewa L. Lokas

Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center, Warsaw


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Conference Schedule

Book of Abstracts

Lecture Notes by Mattia Sormani

Hera 24 Simulation Tutorial Notebook by Francesca Fragkoudi (Please copy the HERA24_SimulationTutorial.ipynb notebook to your own google drive, and follow the instructions at the top. We will work through the notebook!)



Day 1 Video Link

09:30 – 11:00 E. Athanassoula: N-body simulations of disk galaxies

11:30 – 12:00 D. Zakharova: Kinematic features of galaxies with bar

12:00 – 12:30 A. Mitrašinović: Double bars in the aftermath of a galaxy flyby

12:30 – 13:00 C. Tsakonas: A major merger model for Andromeda's galaxy (M31) recent accretion event and direct comparison with chemodynamical observations

13:00 – 13:30 C. de Sá Freitas: Deriving bar formation epoch in nearby galaxies: First insights on secular evolution

15:00 – 16:30 A. Bosma: Rotation curves of galaxies and Dark Matter

17:00 – 17:30 B-I. Ciocan: The MUSE Hubble Ultra Deep Field survey: Dark matter halo properties of intermediate-z star- forming galaxies

17:30 – 18:00 J.M. Espejo Salcedo: Angular momentum measuremts of high redshift disks

18:00 – 18:30 P. Gherghinescu: Action-based dynamical models for M31-like galaxies

Day 2 Video Link

9:30 – 11:00 F. Fragkoudi: Barred galaxies in cosmological simulations

11:30 – 12:00 T. Tomlinson: Evidence for bar resonance substructure in a cosmological simulation

12:00 – 12:30 P. D. López: From bars to boxy/peanut bulges: formation mechanism and evolution in cosmological simulations

12:30 – 13:00 S. Nepal: Milky Way’s old thin disc and a young bar: new insights on MW disc history with Gaia, machine learning and precise stellar ages

13:00 – 13:30 A. Merrow: Did GES form the Milky Way’s Bar?

15:00 – 16:30 D. Pfenniger: Pattern speeds of bars and spirals

17:00 – 17:30 A. Marchuk: Decomposing the spiral arms: what are they?

17:30 – 18:00 C. Buttitta: The case study of NGC4277: a slow bar in a darkmatter dominated lenticular barred galaxy

18:00 – 18:30 O. Jiménez-Arranz: The Magellanic Clouds with high resolution glasses


Day 3 Video Link

10:30 – 12:00 P.A. Patsis: Orbital theory and the structure of galactic disks

12:30 – 13:00 A. Smirnov: N-body bars in the action space: orbital study

13:00 – 13:30 R. Tkachenko: The Influence of the Milky Way bar on the distribution of globular clusters in kinematic space

15:00 – 16:30 D. Gadotti: State of the art observations of disk galaxies

17:00 – 17:30 M. Cunningham: Influence of Early Galaxy Properties on Disk Dynamics

17:30 – 18:00 F. Rigamonti: Dynamical modeling of bulges and discs: a census across kinematics, mass, and starformation from the MaNGA survey

18:00 – 18:30 M. Bernet: The Milky Way kinematic substructure as a dynamics discovery tool: the cases of the bar and the tidal spiral arms

18:30 – 19:00 L. Quilley: Tailoring galaxies along the Hubble sequence: how bulge growth shapes the evolution of galaxies

9:30 X. Moussas: The Antikythera Mechanism: The oldest mechanical Cosmos Video Link


Day 4 Video Link

9:30 -11:00 M. Sormani: Hydrodynamics of the innermost 1 kpc

11:30 – 12:00 S. Pastras: Gas transport and galactic structure at z~1-3 in simulations

12:00 -12:30 P. Okalidis: Radial transport of gas and stars in disc galaxies in the Auriga simulations

12:30 – 13:00 J. Popp: Investigating Star-forming Clumps in Galaxies from SDSS, CLAUDS and HSC-SSP using Deep-Learning based Object Detection

13:00 – 13:30 Z. Le Conte: A JWST investigation into the bar fraction at high redshifts ≥ 1


Day 5 Video Link

09:30 – 10:30 F. Fragkoudi: Hands-on Workshop: How to use data from Cosmological Simulation

10:30 – 11:00 K. Bogue: The Impact of Magnetic Fields on the Star-Forming ISM in Simulated Galaxies

11:30 – 12:00 N. Uppal: Mapping the Milky Way: ISM polarization for tracing Disk Structures and 3D magnetic fields

12:00 – 12:30 L. Cullinane: Stellar Structures in the Magellanic Clouds

12:30 – 13:00 A. Audibert: Feedback from low-power radio jets on the gas reservoirs of quasars

13:00 – 13:30 A. Farhan: Deciphering Water Megamaser Galaxies

15:00 – 15:30 E. Koutsoumpou: The impact of cosmic rays on gas clouds

15:30 – 16:00 A. Triantafyllaki: Dynamical friction: a case study on its effect on the tails of globular clusters and its application on galactic systems

16:30 – 18:00 Round Table Discussion: Connecting Morphologies with the results of N-body Simulations and Orbital Theory


The Research Center for Astronomy and Applied Mathematics of the Academy of Athens (RCAAM) is organizing the European Astronomical Society (EAS) conference, "The Nature and the Dynamics of Structures Observed in Galactic Disks". This conference is part of the HERA workshop series, which is supported by the Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Foundation. These workshops offer a platform for early career scientists to engage in collaborative interactions, devise research projects, gain a comprehensive outlook, and initiate international partnerships.

The workshop will take place in the week of September 15th (Sunday) - September 20th (Friday) at the Central Building of the Academy of Athens. A reception for the participants, along with welcome addresses, is scheduled for Sunday, September 15th.

The European Astronomical Society extends an invitation to early-career scientists, defined as those with less than 5 years post-PhD experience (including PhD students who are close to defending their theses), and who are affiliated with European Research Institutes and Universities, to submit their applications. We especially encourage researchers in the fields of Galactic Morphology and Galactic Structure and Dynamics to apply.

The application form can be found here (for details see When you submit your application, please send also a notification to

Attendees will have ample opportunities to showcase their research, initiate collaborations with local scholars from RCAAM and other Greek Astronomical Institutes, and engage with the six invited senior review speakers. It's important to note that there is no registration fee, and the WE Heraeus Foundation will cover the local expenses for all participants.

Every day of the workshop will feature 1-2 presentations delivered by accomplished senior scientists. The scheduled lectures are as follows:

E. Athanassoula (Aix-Marseille Université, France): N-body simulations of disk galaxies

A. Bosma (Aix-Marseille Université, France): Rotation curves of galaxies and Dark Matter

F. Fragkoudi (Durham University, UK): Barred galaxies in cosmological simulations

D. Gadotti (Durham University, UK): State-of-the-art observations of disk galaxies

D. Pfenniger(University of Geneva, Geneva Observatory, Switzerland): Pattern Speeds of bars and spirals

M. Sormani (University of Surrey, UK): Hydrodynamics of the innermost 1 kpc

P. Patsis (RCAAM, Athens, Greece): Orbital theory and the structure of galactic disks.

Event Email Address:

You can download the poster here


Accommodation will be provided at three hotels in the center of Athens.


a) Ilisia Hotel Athens, Address: Michalakopoulou 25, Tel. (+30) 210 72 44 051

The participants should take line 3 of metro from the Airport and stop at

the Evangelismos Station.

Map from Evangelismos Metro Station to Ilisia Hotel Athens (on foot)

Map from Ilisia Hotel to the Conference Venue (on foot)


In order to reach the Conference Venue the participants should take

metro from the Evangelismos Station to Syntagma Station and then

change to line 2 from Syntagma to Panepistimio Metro Station, or

continue from Syntagma on foot to the Conference Venue.

Map from Syntagma Metro Station to the Conference Venue (on foot)


b) Hotel Achilleas, Address: Lekka 21, Tel. (+30) 210 32 33 197

The participants should take line 3 of metro from the Airport and stop at

the Syntagma Station.

Map from Syntagma Metro Station to Hotel Achilleas (on foot)

Map from Hotel Achilleas to the Conference Venue (on foot)


c) Athens Cypria Hotel, Address: Diomeias 5, Tel. (+30) 210 32 38 034

The participants should take line 3 of metro from the Airport and stop at

the Syntagma Station.

Map from Syntagma Metro Station to Athens Cypria Hotel (on foot)

Map from Athens Cypria Hotel to the Conference Venue (on foot)


Reception and Registration (Sunday 15/9/2024)

Map from Ilisia Hotel to the National Observatory (on foot)

Alternative route from Ilisia Hotel to the National Observatory:

Metro Evangelismos to Metro Syntagma Square and then

Map from Syntagma Square to the National Observatory (on foot)


Map from Athens Cypria Hotel to the National Observatory (on foot)

Map from Hotel Achilleas to the National Observatory (on foot)


Conference Dinner (Tuesday 17/9/2024, Okra Restaurant, Mitropoleos 82)

Map from Syntagma Square to the Conference Dinner (on foot)


Acropolis Museum Visit (19/9/2024, Dionysiou Areopagitou 15)

Map from Syntagma Square to the Acropolis Museum (on foot)


Lunch Venue (Kapodistriakon Restaurant, Akadimias 48 and Sina)

Map from the Conference Venue to Lunch Venue (on foot)








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